Sunday, 30 August 2009

Pre-conceptions challenged: Letting go of chalk and talk

After writing in my last post about being reluctant to let go of chalk-and-talk style teaching with certificate classes I've gained a significant piece of evidence to suggest that letting go and being creative in terms of teaching methodology can very productive.

I have a little S2 bottom set who are generally quite low ability.  I opened the course folder last weekend to see that I had to teach them negative numbers.  Hmmm - how can I teach these kids negative numbers in an interesting, visual and tactile way?

The answer was a two part lesson.  The first part was a powerpoint I found from somewhere which I could put on my smartboard.  It was the user interface of an ATM machine.  The bank account had £50 in it.  I had kids come up and "withdraw" certain amounts of money.  We then investigated what happened when people withdraw sums of greater than £50.  This led is onto the idea of over overdrafts and negative numbers in context.  The calculations of the overdrawn amounts seemed to come to the pupils very easily. Next we took a look at another powerpoint, this time we had a virtual thermometer and discussed temperature rise and fall.

So far, all very well.  But what about doing calculations proper, so to speak?  I always favour having a number line from -20 to 20 on the kids page and then they can do the "steps" method of counting along.  In a bid to break free of jotter work I printed out all of these numbers and lay them along our corridor.  I then got kids to answer quesitons such as -5 + 7 and - 2 - 4 by standing on a number and then moving the correct number of steps to get the answer.  We then had a girls v boys challenge quiz.  With the scores tied at 4-4 and first to five being the winner I opted to throw a spanner in the works, just to see how they would handle it.  I asked the girls 5 - (-4).  I got all sort of answers some of which were more contrived than others.  The girls didn't manage to get the answer, although at this point I didn't explain how to do the question.  The boys too didn't get the answer. However, upon me revealing the answer to them some interesting discussion took place.

Kid A: "Hey, does take away not mean difference?"
Me: "Yip". (Although I'm thinking to myself - where is he going with this?)
Kid B pipes in: "Difference, what's that?"
Kid C: "The distance"
At this point I gasp in astonishment as the kids point out that to get the answer of 5 - (-4)
all you have to do is count the number of "hops" between 5 and -4,  thus giving the required answer of 9.

Startling as it may be, this was a completely new concept to this particular mathematics graduate.  I suppose I'd always just accepted that two negatives next to each other become a plus.  The kids on the other hand had no preconception of this and as such were a blank canvas!  They made be really think that yeah, by old school definition take away is difference, so getting the answer 9 is perfectly logical!  I told my colleagues, some of whom are very experienced, and they had to admit this was something they too had never properly considered.

With some more questions answered, by using our corridor number line the kids managed to spot that the two negatives do indeed become a plus.

I have to admit this lesson exceeded my own ambitions as to how it might go.  It gave me a whole new insight into this particular area of maths and how to deliver it in future.  It's always been a dry area of the subject for me, with little scope for doing nice problem solving lessons leading to conclusions, like this lesson did.  However, in future, I will always be doing this lesson rather than just telling them the rule!

Some of my own preconceptions of the kids have been challenged and that is no bad thing.

In the spirit of the moment - I've planned lots of nice investigative lessons on the straight line next week for my S4 credit class.  I don't intend to stand at the board for very much at all other than explaining how to fill in a table of values for (x,y) coordinates given a formula. My hope is that they will discover and understand the gradient and y-intercept concepts by themselves based upon the task sheets I've designed for them do in their small groups.  Hopefully the outcome will be some nice posters by the groups detailing the key points of the straight line.  I figure that by doing it this way I may not need as much textbook practice, and maybe, we might get through the topic quicker than normal - with a better than average comprehension.

I'll let you know how I get on in my next post!


  1. Don't you have questions like London is -2 degrees and Sydney is 15 degrees? What is the difference between them?

    Most of my students eventually work out that there is 17 degrees of difference between them.

    I struggle with teaching y=mx+c Basically the concept of parametrised equations is beyond most of my students.

    I try to have a number sequence lesson before that now.

    If they can turn 2,5,8,11,14 into 3n-1, I hope they can understand that we can plot this same number sequence as y=3x-1.

    Is this a good idea?

    Teaching two negatives make a plus sometimes confuses my students who think that -17 - -3 should work out as a plus.

    Or -17 -3 should be a plus.It's got 2 negatives....

    I now try to keep two negatives make a plus for multiplication and division, and never mention it in connection with the number line.

    Is this a good idea?

  2. I hear people say they never really understood negative numbers at school.

    I left school, not really understanding imaginary numbers.

    And I still don't. I still don't know how to work out the square root of minus 1.

    However I can manipulate imaginary numbers better than 99% of the population.

    Is understanding always a necessity?

  3. Don't you have questions like London is -2 degrees and Sydney is 15 degrees? What is the difference between them?

    In fact we don't! Those would be very sensible sort of question. I suppose my over-reliance on the textbook in the past has led to this.

    I like your idea of linking number sequences with the straight line graph. I may well use that concept as a lead in to my discussions next week :)

    I try not to say two negatives makes a plus. The kids have defined their own terminology. Part of my style just now is to let them come up with definitions they are comfortable with. They agreed with "two negative signs right next to each other become a plus". I was happy to let them run with this.

    Is understanding always a necessity?

    I suppose it maybe isn't necessary as such. However, I would add that it is very much desirable. I have a nice quote on my classroom wall by John Von Nueman : "in maths you don't understand thing, you just get used to them". I refer to it often when the kids can do the task I'm asking but haven't fully appreciated the subtleties of the logic behind it.

    I often feel that to really understand certain topics you need a couple of years more mathematics on top of them. For example only after having completed my degree did I sit down and think about how pythagoras, basic right angled trig etc all link together. As a kid I didn't see any connection at all.

    I've tried to get my higher class to fully appreciate the concept of "rate of change" and gradients of curves in connection with differentiation. However, I know they will just learn the methods and be done with it! The smart ones are the those who maybe do have a bit of true understanding and won't just learn the methods of completing each sort of question off by heart.

  4. Talking of understanding, I only found out today what a secant is.

    Do you know what a versin is on a circle?

    To go back to teaching maths, which is not what I do, here is a great article, well worth reading.

    Maths teachers and maths

    I know I don't teach maths. I just teach people to memorise formulas and algorithms.

    Apart from passing exams, what is the point of doing that?

  5. This is a very insightful article, judging by the first couple of pages which I've just read. I'll give you more detailed reply once I've read it all.

    I have no idea what a versin is! Please do enlighten me. I'm not a google cheat! :P

    I totally agree about the teaching of maths point that you make. I don't think I do much more than you describe, although the motivation of this site is to help me (and others) move away from the norm, and try and be.... well I don't know what yet, but hopefully we'll get there.

  6. Versin x is 1 - cos x.

    It makes sense on a circle...

    Did you see the posting about the emotional barometer?

    If somebody takes away something negative in your life, you are going to feel better.

    Do you find students who think -7 + 5 is an entirely different question to 5 - 7?

  7. Yeah - I did see that particular posting. An interesting take on it - I thought.

    Yes!!! In fact we had the discussion just the other day along the lines of "7 + 5 = 12 and 5 + 7 = 12, so why should -7 + 5 and 5 - 7 be any different?" Maybe the fact we don't explicitly write plus signs in front of everything throws them. I don't know the answer, but you are spot on with pointing this out.

    The more I read of your article the more inadequate I feel as a teacher. It's come at a great time for me though. As I've said elsewhere on here, I'm at the earlier stages of my teaching lifetime and hope that I can evntually be the teacher I want to be. Not dependant on textbooks, not prescriptive algorithms for solving problems etc, but allowing kids to explore and discover the beauty of the subject for themselves.

    In doing so I'd like to think the kids would gain confidence and learn that failure doesn't mean you stop, instead it means you have to try something else. I'd like to think my Standard Grade and Higher kids would be less fazed by problem solving style questions in the exams as they would be used to thinking rather than panicking when there is no immediate algorithm that comes to hand for them to apply.

    But all of this - maybe it is just wishful thinking. How I get there, well I think your article answers a bit of that. It really challenges teachers to let go. Have a read at my previous post and the replies to it if you have a chance. I'd be delighted to hear your thoughts on that too (it's linked into this - and my views may well have already changed drastically since last week!).

    Also would be delighted to hear your views on the article you posted.


  8. I have struggled with this idea. I want my students to experience maths rather than being 'taught' by me. However am I asking these kids to reinvent the wheel? Whilst I can see that well thought out lessons enable students to come to their own understanding about a topic and hopefully to then remember it and be able to use it. I also worry that perhaps we need to teach them a set of tools and then give them problems where they have to decide which tools to use.

    I'm coming to the conclusion that problems are the way to go. However I still feel that some sort of structure needs to be given to the students for them to tackle the tasks we give them. For instance if I face a new maths problem I have a degree and PhD from which I can draw knowledge to help me solve a particular problem. What do the kids have to help them! Do we need to ensure they have something? How do we know that all pupils present in the lesson have taken on board the information we wished them to gain? Do we write it up formally so they can copy it in their books? What exactly are we trying to achieve?

    Sorry if i only have questions but I'm not necessarily convinced about this argument. It still seems to me we are getting kids to reinvent the wheel. Surely we should be equipping them to open up new areas of knowledge. To do this they need 'to build on others shoulders', sorry about the misquote! I'm not saying we shouldn't use problems/investigations/rich tasks etc. I'm just commenting on the way they are used. Am I yhe only one who feels we may have this wrong!
