Saturday, 22 August 2009

First Post

I've often read blogs by other teahers and found that they invoke a variety of responses from myself including laughter, sage nodding of the head and contempt. I'm a regular reader of the Tes forums, especially the Scotland-opinions area. There are often some good aritculate posts expressing lots of interesting ideas which are good to read. However, there is a lack of content specifically for scottish maths teachers. With this in mind I have googled a few times for "scottish maths teacher" to see if I could discover a blog by somebody with wonderful ideas on the teaching of my subject. I would love to read from people who have lots of persepective on the not just maths, but scottish secondary education as a whole and who have innovative and thought provoking ideas to consider. Sadly, however, I haven't found any such place.

With this in mind I decided that I, with my long and illustrious teaching career now entering it's fourth year should start a blog. I don't know what I'll gain from this. Maybe it'll be theraputic - but I think most of all I'd like to make connections with other teachers out there who do the same job as me on a daily basis and who really care about what they do.

Here goes. By the way, I forgot to mention my literacy is terrible, so apologies in advance.

Fiona Hyslop would not be happy.


  1. Hi, I look forward to reading more of your thoughts and ideas!

    You asked for advice. Well, the only thing which really sticks out is your spelling. I don't think you can get away with just saying, "my literacy is terrible". It's very distracting. Make the effort to use a spellchecker and we'll make an effort to read and comment.

  2. screw the spelling I'll read anyway!

    I am an NQT starting first job in september and my nerves have totally gone, I look forward to reading your blog and hopefully learning a bit myself.
